

State and Federal law require that 永利app新版本官网地址 (UNH) 研究ers report to the 联合国儿童基金会第九条协调员 whenever a 研究 subject discloses a Title IX sexual violence incident.  包括性骚扰, 性侵犯, 不情愿的性接触, 不正当的性行为, 家庭暴力, 虐待的关系, stalking (including cyber-stalking) and dating violence by or against a UNH student.  UNH 研究ers also must report to 是不是警察 if the Title IX sexual violence incident involves criminal conduct, 或者如果一个研究对象披露了被欺负的事, 涉嫌虐待及/或忽视儿童, 或虐待/忽视无行为能力的成年人.
hazing, 涉嫌虐待及/或忽视儿童, 或虐待/忽视无行为能力的成年人

UNH is permitting a limited exception to mandatory Title IX reporting when disclosures are made in the context of a 研究 project involving human subjects that is under the oversight of the UNH 院校覆核委员会, 并专注于某些主题, 比如性暴力.  研究ers are excepted from Title IX reporting obligations only for disclosures made during the 研究 project for which a Title IX reporting exception has been approved by the UNH IRB.

UNH 研究ers contemplating requesting UNH IRB approval of a Title IX reporting exception for a specific 研究 project need to know the following:

  • A Title IX reporting exception is not available for 研究 projects that contemplate the use of subjects who are minors (students under age 18).
  • A Title IX reporting exception for 研究 is only for reporting of student-on-student sexual violence incidents, 并且不会减轻研究人员的其他报告责任, 包括报告欺侮的责任, 涉嫌虐待/忽视儿童或无行为能力成人, and any sexual violence incidents potentially perpetrated by an employee against a UNH student.
  • A Title IX reporting exception for 研究 extends to all 研究ers on a designated project, 包括永利app新版本官网地址的教职工, 在IRB申请中确定的工作人员和学生研究人员.
  • A Title IX reporting exception for 研究 applies only to disclosures made during the 研究 project.  在研究方案之外向研究人员披露的信息(例如.g., to faculty during office hours or while providing academic advising) are NOT excepted from reporting requirements.
  • In order to apply to the UNH IRB for approval of a Title IX reporting exception, 申请人必须是UNH的教师或工作人员, 或者是UNH的研究生.  如果申请人是研究生, the faculty advisor who signs the Request for IRB Review form for the project must also sign the Application for a 第九条研究报告例外 form.

    自2021年6月1日起,研究必须通过以下方式提交给IRB进行审查 请使用IRB/人类伦理 and the completed form attached in the applicable section of the application form in 请使用IRB/人类伦理.
  • The UNH IRB will review all applications that include a request for approval of a Title IX reporting exception at the 全板水平 (i.e.,在内部审核委员会召开的会议上).
  • 在任何数据收集之前, a 研究er must make clear to all 研究 participants that disclosures made during interviews are not considered sufficient notice to UNH for purposes of triggering an individual investigation under Title IX.  The consent form approved by the IRB for the project will include language that provides the requisite information to 研究 participants.

The following is the process for requesting UNH IRB approval of a Title IX reporting exception for 研究:

  1. In order for the UNH IRB to consider a request for approval of a Title IX reporting exception, a UNH 研究er must provide as part of the application materials a completed Application for a 第九条研究报告例外 form.

    The form is signed by the applicant, and for graduate student applicants, the faculty advisor.  自2021年6月1日起,研究必须通过以下方式提交给IRB进行审查 请使用IRB/人类伦理 and the completed form attached in the applicable section of the application form in 请使用IRB/人类伦理.
  2. A 研究er needs to submit in the application materials a 建议同意表格, 其中包括针对第九条报告例外的特定语言.
  3. A 研究er needs to include in the narrative that all study participants will be provided the URL http://www.主要Research.edu/diversity-inclusion/sexual-misconduct/reporting-students 作为汇报过程的一部分.
  4. The UNH IRB will review all applications that include a request for approval of a Title IX reporting exception at the 全板水平 (i.e.,在内部审核委员会召开的会议上).
  5. Upon receipt of an application that includes a request for approval of a Title IX reporting exception, 研究诚信服务 staff will forward a copy of the application materials to the USNH General Counsel’s Office, 联合国大学第九章协调员, 以及联合国大学社区事务助理副校长, 公平和多样性,供他们审查.  Their review will take place concurrent with the UNH IRB’s review of the application.  The UNH IRB will not issue a final decision about the request for the use of human subjects in 研究, 包括第九条报告例外的请求, 直到收到这些办事处的审查结果为止.
  6. If a Title IX reporting exception is approved by the UNH IRB as part of the study protocol, 6月1日前, 2021 the IRB will assign the notation “(E)” to the study title to denote that the project has a Title IX reporting exception approved as part of the protocol. 

请联系 梅丽莎·麦基 or 朱莉·辛普森 in UNH 研究诚信服务 at (603) 862-2005 or (603) 862-2003 with questions about the Title IX reporting exception for 研究.


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电子邮件: 梅丽莎.mcgee@主要研究.edu

电子邮件: 朱莉.simpson@主要研究.edu